Like most summer blockbusters, there are a lot of reasons Knight and Day should not work. Full of plot holes and implausible scenarios, loud flashy action scenes, and time space continuum conundrums the smartest of academics would have trouble explaining. And yet there is something that catches the attention and lets you ignore all that and enjoy the ride.
June (Cameron Diaz) is on her way back home to her sister's wedding after picking up a car part in Kansas. On the flight, she meets Roy (Tom Cruise), a seemingly charming man she bumped into at the airport. Here is where the crazy impracticalities begin. After some plane mishaps, the action never really stops. Neither does the traveling to far away places in short amounts of time. And of course regardless of life endangerments and entanglements, there is still plenty of time for romance...between complete strangers who know nothing about each other...throw in some double agent like government officials, foreign bad guys, and a tagalong socially-inept genius and who wouldn't be thinking of making out rather than surviving.
Whenever a film goes through a stack of screenwriters like this one, there are always continuity issues. The overuse of CGI can only do so much to distract from those issues. The one thing that stops this film from being a complete disaster is the chemistry between Cruise and Diaz. Comic timing and facial expressions make the actors seem as if they are part of the joke; they know there are problems but are just going with it and asking us to do the same. And you should; it is a silly loud summer blockbuster in the best sense of the genre. If that is your kind of summer entertainment, take this one in.
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