Monday, July 28, 2008

Lights Out

Here is a short film I made partly for a fast film contest and polished for an audio production class. Last year I entered a contest to see who could make a film about the Colfax Marathon in less than 8 hours. When I finished, I had 3 minutes of my friend Max walking around Denver with a lamp from the 1970's that took 5 hours to make. To add insult to injury, it was mostly a silent film, as it didn't dawn on me that I should have been narrating as I went along and I had no accessible sound equipment nearby. So when the time came for me to add sound to a minute of video, I edited my contest entry, added music, a sound effect of a clicking lamp (which is actually a slamming door turned way way down) and some narration. It's a bit unpolished, as I am a world class procrastinator and worked on it the same day it was due. But here it is. I'm hoping to work on some of my other short films soon.

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